Airports, Metro / Railway Stations, Senior Livings, Army Barracks
Be it from transportation hubs to large education complexes to corporate infrastructure, better indoor air quality ensures healthier and more comfortable occupant experience while incorporating efficient and sustainable HVAC solutions.
Au Pure’s solutions offer protection against irritating pollutants such as PM2.5, VOCs, NOx, SO2, PAHs, pathogens and allergens.
The specific applications for specific sectors, provide a purpose fit solution for the needs of the Infrastructure projects / installations.
Our Solutions Approach:
Challenges addressed
Cross Contamination, Human Odor + Formaldehyde
Odor, contamination, Particulates, VOC, Microbes, Bacteria
Occupancy variation (Air Flow & Air Quality consistency)
Kitchen Extraction / Ecology
HVAC / Kitchen Extraction Energy Costs
Odor, Contamination, Mold/Spores / Bacteria (in rooms /corridors / lobbies)
HVAC Energy Costs
Technologies Used
Bipolar Ionization
UVC Systems
Media Filtration
UVC + Ozone
Kitchen Ecology / Extraction units
Energy Management systems
Smart IAQ Systems